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Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) SE660 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits, Level 7) SE662 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits, Level 7) SE661 Module
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship: End Point Assessment SE750 Module
Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment SE717 Module
Advanced Sports Trauma Management SE317 Module
Anatomy and Physiology SE105 Module
Anatomy and Physiology for Sport SE111 Module
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology SE117 Module
Applied Anatomy and Pathophysiology SE751 Module
Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Sports Therapy SE115 Module
Applied and Environmental Sports Science SE301 Module
Applied Biomechanics and Movement Analysis SE206 Module
Applied Pedagogical Principles of Sports Coaching SE209 Module
Applied Performance Analysis SE236 Module
Applied Physiology SE735 Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition SE224 Module
Applied Sports Psychology SE304 Module
Applied Sports Therapy SE315 Module
Applying and Using Learning in Practice SE729 Module
Applying Pedagogical Principles in Sport Coaching SE333 Module
Biochemistry and Metabolism SE778 Module
Biomechanics of Locomotion SE732 Module
Coaching Practice Placement SE765 Module
Cognitive Processes in Sport and Exercise Psychology SE744 Module
Critical Enquiry SE756 Module
Critical Enquiry and Evidence-Based Practice SE792 Module
Current Concepts in Upper Limb Rehabilitation SE783 Module
Developing Effective Coach Education Programmes SE767 Module
Developing Self and Others SE757 Module
Developing Self and Others SE231 Module
Dietary and Body Composition Assessment SE779 Module
Digital Skills in Sport SE237 Module
Dissertation SE730 Module
Environments Shape Physical Activity: Translating Research Into Practice SE330 Module
Evaluation of Clinical Practice for First Contact Musculoskeletal Practitioners SE786 Module
Evaluation of Sports and Exercise Injuries SE218 Module
Exercise Physiology SE203 Module
Exercise Prescription SE337 Module
Exercise Rehabilitation SE772 Module
First Contact Musculoskeletal Practice SE761 Module
Foundations of Human Anatomy and Physiology SE121 Module
Functional Anatomy and Pathophysiology SE771 Module
Fundamentals of Human Movement SE102 Module
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health SE738 Module
Health and Active Lifestyle SE205 Module
Injury Assessment and Clinical Reasoning SE773 Module
Injury Management and Rehabilitation SE219 Module
Intermediate Musculoskeletal Ultrasound SE716 Module
Introduction to Coaching SE107 Module
Introduction to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound SE715 Module
Introduction to Performance Analysis SE136 Module
Introduction to Sports and Exercise Science SE106 Module
Introduction to Sports Therapy SE114 Module
Issues in Sport and Exercise Science SE305 Module
Leadership of Self and Others SE341 Module
Leadership of Self and Others SE758 Module
Leading Change in Healthcare SE731 Module
Literature Review SE739 Module
Manual Therapy SE228 Module
Masterclasses in Coaching SE766 Module
Medication Use in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation SE784 Module
Methodological Foundations for Research: Independent Study SE903 Module
Movement Analysis SE303 Module
Musculoskeletal Research: Data Collection and Analysis SE785 Module
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Guided Injections SE710 Module
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Professional Practice SE709 Module
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Professional Practice (Non-UK Variant) SE721 Module
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Clinical Skills Experience - Scanning Record SE719 Module
Neuromechanical Basis of Strength and Conditioning SE788 Module
Nutrition and Drugs in Sport and Exercise SE302 Module
Performance Analysis SE308 Module
Personalising Health and Performance Nutrition SE769 Module
Physical Activity and Wellbeing SE734 Module
Physical Activity, Nutrition and Cardio-Metabolic Disease SE336 Module
Physiology of Training SE790 Module
Physiotherapy Led Assessment SE118 Module
Physiotherapy Led Assessment SE753 Module
Physiotherapy Led Interventions SE232 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 1 SE213 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 2 SE216 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 3 SE217 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 4 SE312 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 5 SE313 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 6 SE310 Module
Placement Year SE220 Module
Planning and Implementation of the Training Process SE793 Module
Point of Care Rheumatology Ultrasound SE764 Module
Postgraduate Research Methods (Distance Learning) SE747 Module
Practice Placement 2 SE240 Module
Practice Placement 4 SE348 Module
Practice-Based Decision Making SE119 Module
Preparation for Professional Practice SE342 Module
Preparation for Professional Practice SE759 Module
Principles of Nutrition and Metabolism SE103 Module
Professional Development in Strength and Conditioning SE796 Module
Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise Psychology SE741 Module
Professional Practice Portfolio 1 SE901 Module
Professional Practice Portfolio 2 SE902 Module
Professional Skills 2 SE201 Module
Professional Skills and Development 1 SE101 Module
Promoting Health and Activity SE233 Module
Promoting Health and Activity SE755 Module
Psychological and Physical Youth Development SE737 Module
Psychological Skills and Strategies SE742 Module
Research Methods SE234 Module
Research Methods and Critical Enquiry SE776 Module
Research Methods in Sport and Exercise SE230 Module
Research Project SE309 Module
Research Project SE343 Module
Research Project SE777 Module
Research Project SE740 Module
Research Project SE318 Module
Research Project SE760 Module
Return to Sport SE774 Module
Return to Sport SE316 Module
Skill Acquisition and Expertise in Sport SE762 Module
Skill Acquisition: Theory and Application SE789 Module
Skill Extension for Msk Injection Practitioners: Ultrasound Guidance SE718 Module
Social Psychology in Sport and Exercise SE743 Module
Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy SE714 Module
Sport and Exercise Psychology SE104 Module
Sport and Performance Psychology SE207 Module
Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science - Research SE999 Module
Sports Analytics SE323 Module
Sports Injuries and Exercise Rehabilitation SE204 Module
Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids SE780 Module
Sports Therapy Placement SE775 Module
Sports Therapy Placement SE321 Module
Sports Therapy Treatments SE770 Module
Sres - Completion SE998 Module
Starting Your Own Business or Being Self-Employed: an Entrepreneurial Approach. SE229 Module
Strength and Conditioning SE307 Module
Strength and Conditioning: Application and Theory SE210 Module
Talent Development in Sport SE334 Module
Technical Considerations in Ultrasound Imaging SE708 Module
Technical Considerations in Ultrasound Imaging for Rheumatologists SE746 Module
Techniques in Strength and Conditioning SE787 Module
Training Techniques and Assessment of Athletes SE208 Module
Understanding and Developing Self and Others SE752 Module
Understanding and Managing Complex Musculoskeletal Conditions SE713 Module
Understanding Self and Others SE120 Module
Youth Athletic Development SE763 Module

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