Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Quantitative Analysis: Models for Cause and Effect SC968 Module
Advertising: Commerce and Creativity SC519 Module
Age of Trauma SC387 Module
American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA SC361 Module
Career Development and Making a Difference SC199 Module
Childhood Innocence and Deviance SC311 Module
Cities and Power SC210 Module
Citizenship, International Migration and Human Rights SC526 Module
Colonialism, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights SC920 Module
Crime, Control, and the City SC102 Module
Crime, Media and Culture SC306 Module
Crime, Policy and Social Justice SC382 Module
Crimes of the Powerful SC302 Module
Critical Perspectives on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism SC557 Module
Current Controversies in Criminology SC655 Module
Current Issues in Social Science SC340 Module
Dangerous Places: Intercultural Meetings in Film, Exploration and Anthropology SC388 Module
Digital Economy SC508 Module
Digital Society SC224 Module
Emotions and Society SC559 Module
Environment, Culture and Climate Change SC209 Module
Formative Debates in Criminology SC555 Module
Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Theory SC510 Module
Global Security Challenges SC561 Module
Globalisation and Crime SC304 Module
Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis SC520 Module
Introduction to Crime, Law and Society SC104 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Analysis SC504 Module
Introduction to Social Anthropology SC107 Module
Introduction to Social Data Science SC207 Module
Introduction to Survey Design and Management SC970 Module
Introduction to United States Sociology SC164 Module
Mass Media and Modern Life SC364 Module
Media, Culture and Society SC106 Module
Migration: Theory, Concepts and Selected Issues SC982 Module
Modelling Crime and Society SC385 Module
Organised Crime: Global and Local SC556 Module
Phd Colloquium 1: Defining Your Research SC800 Module
Phd Colloquium 2: Conducting and Communicating Your Research SC803 Module
Phd Colloquium 3: Disseminating Your Research SC804 Module
Placement Year SC700 Module
Policing, Punishment and Society SC205 Module
Postgraduate Taught Project and Academic Skills SC981 Module
Power and Agency in a Global World SC201 Module
Psychiatry and Mental Illness SC326 Module
Quantitative Research Project SC830 Module
Quantitative Research: Crime and Inequality Across the Life Course SC208 Module
Race, Class and Gender SC233 Module
Race, Ethnicity and Migration SC308 Module
Real World, Real Outcomes: Working Life in Theory and Practice SC390 Module
Research Project: Sociology SC831 Module
Research Project: Anthropology SC832 Module
Researching Social Life SC101 Module
Researching the Real World: Qualitative Approaches to Studying Crime and Society SC203 Module
Researching the Real World: Quantitative Approaches to Studying Crime and Society SC202 Module
Rethinking Modernity SC301 Module
Social Data Science: Uncover, Understand, Unleash SC290 Module
Social Psychology (Sociology): Self and Interaction SC213 Module
Sociological Imagination SC111 Module
Sociological Research Design SC905 Module
Sociology - Research SC999 Module
Sociology of Crime and Control SC204 Module
Sociology of Sexualities SC291 Module
Survey Measurement and Question Design SC974 Module
Survey Practicum SC972 Module
Survey Sampling, Non-Response and Inference SC971 Module
Topics in Contemporary Social Theory SC901 Module
Unlocking Your Academic Potential: How to Study At University SC099 Module
Visual Cultures: the Social Meanings of Photography and Art SC362 Module

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