Browse Department

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'Believing Is Seeing'. the Power of Belief and Suggestion on the Mind and Brain PS508 Module
Abnormal Psychology PS504 Module
Advanced Brain and Behaviour PS943 Module
Advanced Cognitive Psychology PS952 Module
Advanced Developmental Psychology PS931 Module
Advanced Employability Skills and Career Progression PS492 Module
Advanced Memory, Attention and Language PS922 Module
Advanced Personality and Individual Differences PS945 Module
Advanced Psychology of Health PS951 Module
Advanced Seeing and Hearing PS921 Module
Advanced Social Psychology PS923 Module
Advanced Statistics for Research PS947 Module
Ageing: Mind, Brain, and Behaviour PS503 Module
Animal Behaviour PS489 Module
Applied Psychology PS118 Module
Body, Senses and Existence PS502 Module
Brain and Behaviour PS411 Module
Cognitive Psychology PS425 Module
Criminal Mind PS518 Module
Critical Literature Review PS925 Module
Culture and Psychology PS486 Module
Decision Making Science in Theory and Practice PS512 Module
Developmental Psychology PS406 Module
Discovering Psychology: the Science Behind Human Behaviour PS111 Module
Emotion PS487 Module
Enhancing Employability and Career Planning PS417 Module
Evolutionary Psychology: How Natural and Sexual Selection Helped Shape the Human Mind PS490 Module
Experiencing Emotion PS103 Module
From Me to We: Understanding Gender, Sexuality and Romantic Relationships PS511 Module
Fundamental Statistics for Research PS946 Module
Growing in the World PS102 Module
Human Sexuality PS498 Module
Introduction to Personal Development and Employability PS117 Module
Making Connections: How Children Develop PS507 Module
Memory Attention and Language PS415 Module
MSc Psychology Research Project PS900 Module
Neurocognition of Human Interaction PS935 Module
Neuroscience of Human Nature PS495 Module
Numerical Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience PS948 Module
Personality and Individual Differences PS416 Module
Placement Year PS418 Module
Positive Psychology: the Science of Well-Being PS510 Module
Preparing for University Psychology PS116 Module
Psychological Studies Project PS301 Module
Psychology - Research PS999 Module
Psychology in the Real World PS516 Module
Psychology of (Self)-Improvement PS515 Module
Psychology of Global Challenges PS424 Module
Psychology of Health PS423 Module
Psychology of Sustainability PS517 Module
Psychology Project PS300 Module
Research Experience PS944 Module
Research Management PS912 Module
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology PS908 Module
Research Methods in Psychology PS954 Module
Research Methods in Psychology PS114 Module
Research Project (Msc) PS934 Module
Science of Seeing PS506 Module
Science of Uncertainty PS509 Module
Seeing and Hearing PS414 Module
Social Brain PS106 Module
Social Psychology PS407 Module
Social Voice PS500 Module
Social World PS105 Module
Special Topics in Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology PS938 Module
Special Topics in Psychology PS933 Module
Statistical Models for Psychology PS422 Module
Statistics for Psychologists PS115 Module
Statistics for Psychologists, 2nd Year PS212 Module
Statistics for Psychology PS421 Module
Statistics in Psychology PS953 Module
Theory and Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology PS949 Module
Thinking and the Mind PS104 Module
Topics in Human Memory PS491 Module
Understanding Our Place in the World PS101 Module
Work-Based Project PS980 Module

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