Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
'I, Too, Sing America': Identity, Diversity, and Voice in United States Literature LT203 Module
'Tell About the South': Literary Identities and Dialogues in a U.S. Region LT936 Module
'There Is a Continent Outside My Window' : United States and Caribbean Literatures in Dialogue LT380 Module
Advanced Documentary Production LT322 Module
Advanced Media Law and Ethics LT237 Module
Advanced Practical Journalism LT312 Module
African American Literature LT937 Module
American Film Authors LT347 Module
Applied Theatre Making: Writing in the Community LT977 Module
Approaches to Film and Media LT121 Module
Audio and Video for Broadcast and Online (Joint Honours) LT231 Module
Audio and Video for Broadcast and Online (Single Honours) LT240 Module
Beginning of a Novel LT346 Module
Black Lives Represented: Writing, Art, Politics and Society LT218 Module
Children's Fiction and the Turn to Young Adult Adventure LT212 Module
Climate Emergency: Narrating the Environment and Writing the Wild LT269 Module
Climate Fiction LT899 Module
Comparative Media Law and Regulation LT431 Module
Contemporary Television LT123 Module
Contemporary Texts and Contexts LT109 Module
Contemporary Theatre-Making TH983 Module
Continental Crossings: Caribbean and US Literature and Culture LT965 Module
Creative Media LT205 Module
Creative Non-Fiction LT245 Module
Creative Writing Workshop LT911 Module
Creative Writing: Oulipo and the Avant Garde LT359 Module
Critical Moments in the Theory and History of Film LT927 Module
Criticism: Practice and Theory LT204 Module
Crossing the Boundaries: Literature and Translation in a Global Context LT962 Module
Cyborgs, Clones and the Rise of the Robots: Science Fiction LT364 Module
Desire in the Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth Century Literature LT267 Module
Devising TH143 Module
Directing Actors for Film LT227 Module
Dissertation LT880 Module
Dissertation LT981 Module
Dissertation - Wild Writing LT988 Module
Dissertation Preparation: Postgraduate Research and Writing Skills LT901 Module
Dissertation Supervision LT998 Module
Dissertation: Ma Film Studies LT983 Module
Dissertation: Ma Theatre Practice TH981 Module
Documentary and the Avant-Garde: Film, Video, Digital LT930 Module
Documentary Filmmaking LT225 Module
Documentary Filmmaking 1: Foundations LT886 Module
Documentary Filmmaking 2 LT887 Module
Dramatic Structure LT913 Module
Dystopias LT250 Module
Eco Theatre LT403 Module
Ethical Issues in Journalism LT144 Module
Extinction: Looking Back At the End of the World LT397 Module
Feature Writing and Magazine Journalism LT241 Module
Feature Writing and Magazine Project for Print and Online (Joint Honours) LT232 Module
Fiction Filmmaking LT226 Module
Film Festivals LT409 Module
Film Workshop LT932 Module
First World War in Literature LT137 Module
Gender in Performance: Sexual Politics and the Stage TH245 Module
Global Encounters in Theatre and Film TH211 Module
Humanities Graduate: Future Pathways LT705 Module
Independent Creative Writing Project LT832 Module
Independent Film Project LT833 Module
Independent Literature Project LT831 Module
Independent Practical Theatre Project TH831 Module
Independent Project in Film Studies LT834 Module
Independent Screenplay Project LT410 Module
International Journalism LT992 Module
International Journalism and News Reporting LT242 Module
Introduction to Caribbean Literature LT262 Module
Introduction to European Literature LT171 Module
Introduction to Film Production LT122 Module
Introduction to Screenwriting LT221 Module
Introduction to Theatre Studies TH141 Module
Introduction to United States Literature LT161 Module
Journalism and Storytelling LT396 Module
Journalism Dissertation LT995 Module
Journalism Practice 1 (Words and Sounds) LT990 Module
Journalism Practice 2 (Visual Storytelling) LT991 Module
Journalism Project LT994 Module
Journalistic Imagination: Contemporary Issues in Journalism LT138 Module
Law and Literature LT394 Module
Life Writing and Memoir LT996 Module
Limits of Representation: the Holocaust in Literature and Film LT390 Module
Literature - Completion LT997 Module
Literature - Research LT999 Module
Literature and the Environmental Imagination: 19th to 21st Century Poetry and Prose LT978 Module
Literature and the First World War LT961 Module
Love and Death in the Renaissance LT210 Module
Media Law LT133 Module
Media, Politics and Society LT969 Module
Memory Maps: Practices in Psychogeography LT909 Module
Modern City: From Modernism to Postmodernism LT922 Module
Multimedia Project LT314 Module
Narrative and Film LT206 Module
New Nature Writing LT904 Module
Newsroom Practice LT313 Module
Open Source Journalism LT993 Module
Origins and Transformations in Literature and Drama LT111 Module
Performance Project TH984 Module
Photography for Journalists LT258 Module
Placement Year LT702 Module
Poetry: a Very Short Introduction LT143 Module
Possible Worlds: Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, and Alternate History LT321 Module
Post-War(S) United States Fiction LT320 Module
Practical Reporting, Interviewing and Production (Joint Honours) LT135 Module
Practical Reporting, Interviewing and Production (Single Honours) LT131 Module
Queer: Literature, Culture, History LT976 Module
Reading, Writing and Doing Poetry LT381 Module
Reporting Politics LT134 Module
Research and Data Handling LT238 Module
Rights and Wrongs: Literature and Campaigns to Change the Law LT228 Module
Romantics: Poetry, Prose, Imagination LT215 Module
Screenwriting Workshop LT953 Module
Shakespeare Across Media LT151 Module
Shakespeare: the Tragedies LT372 Module
Story and Myth of the West LT385 Module
Technical Theatre Arts TH207 Module
Text Up Close: Reading for Criticism LT182 Module
Theatre and Human Rights TH343 Module
Theatre and Performance Makers TH241 Module
Theatre Making: Autobiography TH142 Module
Theatre Production and Technology TH145 Module
Theatre Studies - Research TH999 Module
Tragedy and Theatre Writing TH243 Module
Transatlantic Romanticisms LT378 Module
Understanding and Writing Science Fiction LT367 Module
Video Game Theory LT399 Module
Wild Writing Work-Based Placement LT975 Module
William Blake LT398 Module
Women and US Film LT406 Module
Women Filmmakers LT931 Module
World Cinema LT207 Module
Writer's Toolkit LT191 Module
Writing for the Radio LT146 Module
Writing for the Theatre TH344 Module
Writing Structures LT209 Module
Writing the Novel LT908 Module
Writing the Short Story LT219 Module

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