Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
'I, Too, Sing America': Identity, Diversity, and Voice in United States Literature |
LT203 |
Module |
'Tell About the South': Literary Identities and Dialogues in a U.S. Region |
LT936 |
Module |
'There Is a Continent Outside My Window' : United States and Caribbean Literatures in Dialogue |
LT380 |
Module |
Adaptation |
LT928 |
Module |
Advanced Documentary Production |
LT322 |
Module |
Advanced Fiction Filmmaking |
LT408 |
Module |
Advanced Media Law and Ethics |
LT237 |
Module |
Advanced Practical Journalism |
LT312 |
Module |
African American Literature |
LT937 |
Module |
American Film Authors |
LT347 |
Module |
Applied Theatre Making: Writing in the Community |
LT977 |
Module |
Approaches to Film and Media |
LT121 |
Module |
Arthurian Literature |
LT377 |
Module |
Audio and Video for Broadcast and Online (Joint Honours) |
LT231 |
Module |
Audio and Video for Broadcast and Online (Single Honours) |
LT240 |
Module |
Beginning of a Novel |
LT346 |
Module |
Black Lives Represented: Writing, Art, Politics and Society |
LT218 |
Module |
Children's Fiction and the Turn to Young Adult Adventure |
LT212 |
Module |
Cityscapes of Modernism |
LT368 |
Module |
Climate Emergency: Narrating the Environment and Writing the Wild |
LT269 |
Module |
Climate Fiction |
LT899 |
Module |
Comparative Media Law and Regulation |
LT431 |
Module |
Contemporary Television |
LT123 |
Module |
Contemporary Texts and Contexts |
LT109 |
Module |
Contemporary Theatre-Making |
TH983 |
Module |
Continental Crossings: Caribbean and US Literature and Culture |
LT965 |
Module |
Creative Media |
LT205 |
Module |
Creative Non-Fiction |
LT245 |
Module |
Creative Performance |
TH345 |
Module |
Creative Writing Workshop |
LT911 |
Module |
Creative Writing: Oulipo and the Avant Garde |
LT359 |
Module |
Critical Moments in the Theory and History of Film |
LT927 |
Module |
Criticism: Practice and Theory |
LT204 |
Module |
Crossing the Boundaries: Literature and Translation in a Global Context |
LT962 |
Module |
Cultural Ideology and Film |
LT336 |
Module |
Cyborgs, Clones and the Rise of the Robots: Science Fiction |
LT364 |
Module |
Derek Walcott: a Crystal of Ambiguities |
LT376 |
Module |
Desire in the Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth Century Literature |
LT267 |
Module |
Devising |
TH143 |
Module |
Directing Actors for Film |
LT227 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LT981 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LT880 |
Module |
Dissertation - Wild Writing |
LT988 |
Module |
Dissertation Preparation: Postgraduate Research and Writing Skills |
LT901 |
Module |
Dissertation Preparation: Postgraduate Research and Writing Skills |
LT902 |
Module |
Dissertation Supervision |
LT998 |
Module |
Dissertation: Ma Film Studies |
LT983 |
Module |
Dissertation: Ma Theatre (10,000 - 12,000 Words) |
LT986 |
Module |
Dissertation: Ma Theatre (20,000 Words) |
TH982 |
Module |
Dissertation: Ma Theatre (20,000 Words) |
LT984 |
Module |
Dissertation: Ma Theatre Practice |
TH981 |
Module |
Documentary and the Avant-Garde: Film, Video, Digital |
LT930 |
Module |
Documentary Filmmaking |
LT225 |
Module |
Documentary Filmmaking 1: Foundations |
LT886 |
Module |
Documentary Filmmaking 2 |
LT887 |
Module |
Dramatic Structure |
LT913 |
Module |
Dreaming and Writing |
LT342 |
Module |
Dystopias |
LT250 |
Module |
Early/Modern: 17th Century Plays and Performance Histories |
LT923 |
Module |
Eco Theatre |
TH208 |
Module |
Eco Theatre |
LT403 |
Module |
Essential Journalism |
LT131 |
Module |
Essential Journalism (Joint Honours) |
LT135 |
Module |
Ethical Issues in Journalism |
LT144 |
Module |
European Naturalism and After |
TH341 |
Module |
Expanding the Caribbean |
LT337 |
Module |
Extinction: Looking Back At the End of the World |
LT397 |
Module |
Feature Writing and Magazine Journalism |
LT241 |
Module |
Feature Writing and Magazine Project for Print and Online (Joint Honours) |
LT232 |
Module |
Fiction Filmmaking |
LT226 |
Module |
Film Animation |
LT335 |
Module |
Film Festivals |
LT409 |
Module |
Film Workshop |
LT932 |
Module |
First World War in Literature |
LT137 |
Module |
Gender in Performance: Sexual Politics and the Stage |
TH245 |
Module |
Georgian and Romantic Literature and Drama |
LT924 |
Module |
Global Encounters in Drama, Film, and Literature |
LT251 |
Module |
Global Encounters in Theatre |
TH212 |
Module |
Global Encounters in Theatre and Film |
TH211 |
Module |
Global Perspectives on the News |
LT259 |
Module |
Gothic Literature |
LT268 |
Module |
Historical Drama in Modern Times |
LT361 |
Module |
Humanities Graduate: Future Pathways |
LT705 |
Module |
Imagined South |
LT323 |
Module |
Independent Collaborative Project |
LT835 |
Module |
Independent Creative Writing Project |
LT832 |
Module |
Independent Film Project |
LT833 |
Module |
Independent Literature Project |
LT831 |
Module |
Independent Practical Theatre Project |
TH831 |
Module |
Independent Project in Film Studies |
LT834 |
Module |
Independent Publishing Project |
LT405 |
Module |
Independent Screenplay Project |
LT410 |
Module |
Independent Theatre Studies Project |
TH836 |
Module |
Interactive Performance-Making: Shaping Audience Participation |
TH206 |
Module |
International Journalism |
LT992 |
Module |
International Journalism and News Reporting |
LT242 |
Module |
Introduction to Caribbean Literature |
LT262 |
Module |
Introduction to European Literature |
LT171 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Production |
LT122 |
Module |
Introduction to Screenwriting |
LT221 |
Module |
Introduction to Theatre Studies |
TH141 |
Module |
Introduction to United States Literature |
LT161 |
Module |
Investigative Journalism |
LT317 |
Module |
Journalism and Storytelling |
LT396 |
Module |
Journalism Dissertation |
LT995 |
Module |
Journalism Practice 1 (Words and Sounds) |
LT990 |
Module |
Journalism Practice 2 (Visual Storytelling) |
LT991 |
Module |
Journalism Project |
LT994 |
Module |
Journalistic Imagination: Contemporary Issues in Journalism |
LT138 |
Module |
Law and Literature |
LT394 |
Module |
Law and Literature |
LT968 |
Module |
Life Writing and Memoir |
LT996 |
Module |
Limits of Representation: the Holocaust in Literature and Film |
LT390 |
Module |
Literature - Completion |
LT997 |
Module |
Literature - Research |
LT999 |
Module |
Literature and Technology: the Gutenberg Galaxy |
LT348 |
Module |
Literature and the Environmental Imagination: 19th to 21st Century Poetry and Prose |
LT978 |
Module |
Literature and the First World War |
LT961 |
Module |
Love and Death in the Renaissance |
LT210 |
Module |
Low-Budget, Experimental and Independent Cinemas |
LT243 |
Module |
Ma Dissertation (60-Credit Version) |
LT989 |
Module |
Media Law |
LT133 |
Module |
Media, Politics and Society |
LT969 |
Module |
Memory Maps: Practices in Psychogeography |
LT909 |
Module |
Modern City: From Modernism to Postmodernism |
LT922 |
Module |
Modernism |
LT248 |
Module |
Multimedia Project |
LT314 |
Module |
Narrative and Film |
LT206 |
Module |
New Nature Writing |
LT904 |
Module |
Newspaper Production Project |
LT230 |
Module |
Newsroom Practice |
LT313 |
Module |
Nineteenth-Century Novel |
LT142 |
Module |
Novel |
LT907 |
Module |
On-Screen Anti-Heroes |
LT229 |
Module |
Open Source Journalism |
LT993 |
Module |
Origins and Transformations in Literature and Drama |
LT111 |
Module |
Oulipian Practice |
LT910 |
Module |
Performance Project |
TH984 |
Module |
Performing Shakespeare Outdoors |
TH205 |
Module |
Photography for Journalists |
LT258 |
Module |
Placement |
LT239 |
Module |
Placement Year |
LT702 |
Module |
Poetic Practice |
LT915 |
Module |
Poetry: a Very Short Introduction |
LT143 |
Module |
Possible Worlds: Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, and Alternate History |
LT321 |
Module |
Post-War(S) United States Fiction |
LT320 |
Module |
Postcolonial Perspectives |
LT246 |
Module |
Postmodernism |
LT249 |
Module |
Practical Podcasting |
LT147 |
Module |
Practical Project: Ma Theatre |
LT985 |
Module |
Practical Project: Ma Theatre |
TH901 |
Module |
Queer: Literature, Culture, History |
LT976 |
Module |
Reading, Writing and Doing Poetry |
LT381 |
Module |
Reporting Politics |
LT134 |
Module |
Reporting the World |
LT432 |
Module |
Representing Women on Seventeenth-Century English Stages |
LT407 |
Module |
Research and Data Handling |
LT238 |
Module |
Research for Creative Practice |
LT905 |
Module |
Rights and Wrongs: Literature and Campaigns to Change the Law |
LT228 |
Module |
Romantics: Poetry, Prose, Imagination |
LT215 |
Module |
Screening the American Century |
LT357 |
Module |
Screenwriting Workshop |
LT953 |
Module |
Sea of Lentils: Modernity, Literature, and Film in the Caribbean |
LT946 |
Module |
Shakespeare Across Media |
LT151 |
Module |
Shakespeare and the History Play |
LT360 |
Module |
Shakespeare: the Tragedies |
LT372 |
Module |
Specialist Journalism |
LT315 |
Module |
Story and Myth of the West |
LT385 |
Module |
Study of Literature Today |
LT900 |
Module |
Suffragettes, Rebels and Reactionaries: Writing for the Vote 1894-1928 |
LT389 |
Module |
Tale: Tellings and Re-Tellings |
LT912 |
Module |
Technical Theatre Arts |
TH207 |
Module |
Text Up Close: Reading for Criticism |
LT182 |
Module |
Theatre and Human Rights |
TH343 |
Module |
Theatre and Performance Makers |
TH241 |
Module |
Theatre Making: Autobiography |
TH142 |
Module |
Theatre Production and Technology |
TH145 |
Module |
Theatre Studies - Research |
TH999 |
Module |
Theatre-Making and Cultural Entrepreneurship |
TH349 |
Module |
Tragedy and Theatre Writing |
TH243 |
Module |
Transatlantic Romanticisms |
LT378 |
Module |
Understanding and Writing Science Fiction |
LT367 |
Module |
Understanding Journalism: Media and Communications Theory |
LT324 |
Module |
United States Avant-Garde Poetry Since 1950 |
LT952 |
Module |
United States Women and Their Contexts 1850 - 1930 |
LT365 |
Module |
Victorians: Writers and Society |
LT307 |
Module |
Video Game Theory |
LT399 |
Module |
Voice and Movement: Core Skills |
TH144 |
Module |
War, Violence and Conflict in the American Tropics |
LT906 |
Module |
Ways of Seeing and Reading: Critical Theory in Action |
LT150 |
Module |
Wild Writing Work-Based Placement |
LT975 |
Module |
William Blake |
LT398 |
Module |
Wits, Women and Wonder: British Literature in the Eighteenth Century |
LT214 |
Module |
Women and US Film |
LT406 |
Module |
Women and US Film |
LT124 |
Module |
Women Filmmakers |
LT931 |
Module |
Work-Based Learning in the Arts and Humanities |
LT257 |
Module |
Work-Based Project |
LT987 |
Module |
World Cinema |
LT207 |
Module |
World Literature, Postcolonial Traces |
LT316 |
Module |
Writer's Toolkit |
LT191 |
Module |
Writing Audio and Digital Drama |
LT980 |
Module |
Writing for the Radio |
LT146 |
Module |
Writing for the Theatre |
TH344 |
Module |
Writing Lyrics |
LT358 |
Module |
Writing Structures |
LT209 |
Module |
Writing the Novel |
LT908 |
Module |
Writing the Revolution 1640 - 1720 |
LT213 |
Module |
Writing the Short Story |
LT219 |
Module |
Writing, Poetry, Performance |
LT951 |
Module |