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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits) HS667 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits) HS663 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits) HS660 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits) HS666 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (20 Credits) HS672 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits) HS664 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits) HS670 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits) HS669 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits) HS661 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits) HS668 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (40 Credits) HS673 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (60 Credits) HS662 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (60 Credits) HS665 Module
Acute Interventions and Rehabilitation HS707 Module
Advanced Clinical Practice Development Portfolio HS768 Module
Advanced Clinical Practice Dissertation HS979 Module
Advanced Management of Diabetes HS643 Module
Advanced Person-Centred Care (Adult Nursing) HS196 Module
Advanced Person-Centred Care (Mental Health Nursing) HS228 Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Communities HS807 Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice in Diverse Communities HS371 Module
Advancing Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy HS894 Module
Advocacy, Activism and Resistance HS242 Module
Advocacy, Activism and Resistance HS186 Module
Advocacy, Activism and Resistance HS223 Module
Advocacy, Activism and Resistance HS277 Module
Anatomy & Physiology for Speech & Language Therapy HS133 Module
Applying and Using Learning in Practice HS620 Module
Applying and Using Learning in Practice HS619 Module
Assessment Diagnosis and Treatment Planning HS752 Module
Autonomous Practitioner HS287 Module
Autonomous Practitioner (Occupational Therapy) HS809 Module
Autonomous Practitioner (Occupational Therapy) HS374 Module
Autonomous Practitioner - Adult Nursing HS198 Module
Autonomous Practitioner - Adult Nursing HS249 Module
Autonomous Practitioner - Mental Health Nursing HS241 Module
Becoming a Practitioner HS372 Module
Becoming a Professional: Professional Skills HS808 Module
Biomedical and Psychosocial Science for Dental Practice HS736 Module
Biopsychosocial Science HS701 Module
Care of the Person Undergoing Systemic Anti Cancer Therapy HS978 Module
Care Planning in Partnership HS581 Module
Clinical and Simulated Practices in Periodontology HS756 Module
Clinical Applications 1 HS762 Module
Clinical Applications 2 HS772 Module
Clinical Applications 3 HS782 Module
Clinical Care Skills for Registered Nurses HS569 Module
Clinical Governance and Patient Safety HS711 Module
Clinical Intervention and Skills 3 HS785 Module
Clinical Interventions and Skills 1 HS765 Module
Clinical Interventions and Skills 2 HS775 Module
Clinical Periodontology HS751 Module
Clinical Research 1 HS763 Module
Clinical Research 2 HS773 Module
Clinical Research 3 HS783 Module
Collaboration and Leadership in Service Enhancement HS276 Module
Collaboration and Leadership in Service Enhancement HS806 Module
Complex Case Management HS755 Module
Comprehensive Oral Healthcare Part 1 HS743 Module
Comprehensive Oral Healthcare Part 2 HS747 Module
Concepts of Therapy HS176 Module
Consultation and Assessment HS955 Module
Course Design and Development HS952 Module
Critical Appraisal and Research Skills HS510 Module
Critical Appraisal and Research Skills for Dental Practice HS734 Module
Critical Issues in Contemporary Social Work HS652 Module
Critical Recovery Journeys in Mental Health Nursing HS825 Module
Critical Reflection and Professional Challenge HS391 Module
Culture of Communication HS134 Module
Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation HS908 Module
Dental Hygienist Adaptation Module HS745 Module
Dental Therapist Reskill Module HS746 Module
Developing as a Practice Educator (Social Work Pep 2) HS918 Module
Developing Critical Appraisal Skills HS602 Module
Developing Professional Practice HS741 Module
Developing Professional Practice HS611 Module
Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation HS274 Module
Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation HS805 Module
Development of Practical Skills, Practice Supervisor Report 1 HS729 Module
Development of Practical Skills, Practice Supervisor Report 2 HS738 Module
Dissertation HS982 Module
Dissertation HS984 Module
Dysphagia HS233 Module
Dysphagia 2 HS333 Module
Emotional, Relational and Mental Health Issues HS291 Module
End Point Assessment HS090 Module
End Point Assessment HS749 Module
Engagement and Assessment of Patients with Common Mental Health Problems HS932 Module
Engagement and Assessment with People with Severe Mental Health Problems HS580 Module
Engagement in Occupation HS175 Module
Enhancing Communication for People with Developmental & Acquired Communication Difficulties HS331 Module
Essential Professional and Academic Skills HS131 Module
Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Clinical Decision-Making HS634 Module
Evidence-Based Low-Intensity Treatment for Common Mental Health Disorders HS933 Module
Extended Duties for Dental Nurses - Disease Prevention HS316 Module
Extended Professional Portfolio HS996 Module
Extending Oral Health Practice HS740 Module
Foundation Studies 2 - Pathology for Speech and Language Therapy HS835 Module
Foundations for Occupational Therapy HS892 Module
Foundations of Social Work Theory and Practice HS650 Module
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences HS199 Module
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences HS182 Module
Fundamentals of General Practice Nursing HS568 Module
Fundamentals of Lifesciences HS220 Module
Fundamentals of Lifesciences HS183 Module
Fundamentals of Renal Care HS574 Module
Global Health Epidemiology HS885 Module
Global Public Health Research Dissertation HS677 Module
Global Social Work HS658 Module
Health and Social Care - Completion HS998 Module
Health and Social Care - Research HS999 Module
Health Economics HS645 Module
Health Inequalities and Intersectionality 101 HS856 Module
Health Policy, Law and Ethics 1 HS722 Module
Health, Illness and Disease for Dental Practice HS735 Module
Identification of Acquired Communication Abilities and Difficulties HS232 Module
Identification of Developmental Communication Abilities and Difficulties HS231 Module
Independent Study HS390 Module
Informing Sciences HS173 Module
Informing Sciences 2 HS174 Module
Innovating for Health Policy and Systems HS959 Module
Integrated Care for Nursing Associates HS709 Module
Integrating Systemic Therapy Into Clinical Practice: an Intermediate Level Course (Cpd) HS639 Module
Interpersonal Skills for Practice HS192 Module
Interprofessional Collaboration and Development HS790 Module
Interprofessional Collaboration and Development HS810 Module
Introduction and Scientific Basis of Periodontology HS750 Module
Introduction to Global Health HS887 Module
Introduction to Health Informatics and Applied Epidemiology HS680 Module
Introduction to Health Psychology HS215 Module
Introduction to Interprofessional Working HS177 Module
Introduction to Law and Social Policy HS191 Module
Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care HS178 Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy HS179 Module
Introduction to Oral Health and Disease HS730 Module
Introduction to Research Methodologies HS290 Module
Introduction to Sociological and Psychological Frameworks HS190 Module
Introduction to Speech and Language Therapy HS235 Module
Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Portfolio 2 HS708 Module
Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours Portfolio 1 HS705 Module
Law, Policy and Ethics HS651 Module
Leadership and Preparation HS516 Module
Leadership and Preparation for Practice HS827 Module
Leadership in Health and Social Care HS640 Module
Learning Organisations and Quality Enhancement HS951 Module
Learning, Teaching and Assessment HS950 Module
Legislation, Regulation and Ethics for Practice HS292 Module
Life Span Development HS653 Module
Lifespan Development HS193 Module
Literature Review and Critical Appraisal HS900 Module
Management of Diabetes HS644 Module
Management of Oral Diseases HS732 Module
Managing Care At the End of Life HS977 Module
Managing Oral Care of Children and Adolescents Part 1 HS742 Module
Managing the Oral Care of Children and Adolescents Part 2 HS744 Module
Mastering Occupation HS895 Module
Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Compassionate Care HS613 Module
Non-Surgical Management of Periodontal Disease HS753 Module
Nursing Practice Assessment 1 HS508 Module
Nursing Practice Assessment 2 HS514 Module
Nursing Practice Assessment 3 HS518 Module
Nursing Practice Assessment 3 HS828 Module
Occupational Being HS171 Module
Occupational Performance and Process HS893 Module
Participatory Research for Service Improvement HS284 Module
Participatory Research for Service Improvement HS227 Module
Person Centred Care HS170 Module
Person Centred Dementia HS607 Module
Person-Centred Care 1 HS221 Module
Person-Centred Care 1 HS184 Module
Person-Centred Care 2 HS243 Module
Person-Centred Care 2 HS278 Module
Person-Centred Care 2 HS187 Module
Person-Centred Care 2 HS224 Module
Person-Centred Care 3 (Adult Nursing) HS247 Module
Person-Centred Care 3 (Mental Health Nursing) HS285 Module
Personal and Professional Development 1 HS764 Module
Personal and Professional Development 2 HS774 Module
Personal and Professional Development 3 HS784 Module
Personal Effectiveness HS710 Module
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes - Initiating Therapy and Optimising HS642 Module
Pharmacological Management of Diabetes - Optimising Control HS641 Module
Placement Year HS330 Module
Postgraduate Research Methods HS945 Module
Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Allied Health Professionals HS637 Module
Practice Educator Training (Social Work Pep1) HS919 Module
Practice Interventions HS394 Module
Practice Placement 2 HS234 Module
Practice Placement 1 HS654 Module
Practice Placement 1 HS136 Module
Practice Placement 1 HS293 Module
Practice Placement 2 HS393 Module
Practice Placement 3 HS332 Module
Practice Placement Four: Manage HS899 Module
Practice Placement Four: Manage HS373 Module
Practice Placement One: Explore HS891 Module
Practice Placement One: Explore HS172 Module
Practice Placement Three: Lead HS898 Module
Practice Placement Three: Lead HS275 Module
Practice Placement Two: Initiate HS273 Module
Practice Placement Two: Initiate HS897 Module
Practice Skills and Placement 2 HS655 Module
Practice-Based Learning for International Nursing Students HS379 Module
Preparation for Independent and Supplementary Prescribing V300 (Nmc/Hcpc) HS632 Module
Preparation for Non-Medical Prescribing - Nurses, Midwives and Scphns HS604 Module
Professional and Interprofessional Skills for Practice HS140 Module
Professional Enquiry HS240 Module
Professional Enquiry Proposal HS340 Module
Professional Portfolio 1 HS995 Module
Professional Portfolio 2 HS994 Module
Professional Reasoning HS272 Module
Professional Reasoning in Practice HS801 Module
Professional Skills 1 HS194 Module
Professional Skills 2 HS294 Module
Promotion of Oral Health and Prevention of Oral Disease HS731 Module
Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner Apprenticeship Practice Development HS943 Module
Public Health and Wellbeing HS706 Module
Public Mental Health HS958 Module
Qualitative Health Research HS948 Module
Quality Improvement in Practice HS627 Module
Quality Improvement in Practice HS909 Module
Quality Improvement in Practice HS626 Module
Quality Improvement in Practice HS621 Module
Relationship Based Practice HS188 Module
Relationship Based Practice HS279 Module
Relationship Based Practice HS244 Module
Relationship Based Pratice HS225 Module
Research Activity HS517 Module
Research Activity HS776 Module
Research Activity HS717 Module
Research Activity HS859 Module
Research Perspectives HS392 Module
Research Placement HS690 Module
Research Workshop HS993 Module
Respiratory Care HS975 Module
Return to Practice (Adult and Mental Health Nursing) HS570 Module
Rights Based Research and Dissertation HS657 Module
Service Improvement HS513 Module
Service Improvement Project HS195 Module
Service Improvement Project HS246 Module
Simulated Practice Skills Book HS115 Module
Social Determinants of Health HS869 Module
Social Work and Human Rights HS656 Module
Social Work Dissertation HS659 Module
Special Needs HS733 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 1 HS836 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 2 HS837 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 3 HS838 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Adults 4 HS839 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 1 HS831 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 2 HS832 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 3 HS833 Module
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 4 HS834 Module
Speech and Language Therapy Foundation Studies 1 HS830 Module
Statistical Analysis HS927 Module
Study and Lifelong Learning HS700 Module
Supervised Clinical Practice - Year 1 HS761 Module
Supervised Clinical Practice 2 HS771 Module
Supervised Clinical Practice 3 HS781 Module
Supervising Learning in Clinical Practice HS286 Module
Supervising Learning in Clinical Practice HS197 Module
Supervising Learning in Clinical Practice HS248 Module
Supervising Learning in Clinical Practice HS229 Module
Surgical Management of Periodontal Disease HS754 Module
Survey Research Methods HS675 Module
Sustainability, Stewardship and Finance HS676 Module
Theory and Method in Health Research HS947 Module
Therapeutic Practitioner HS283 Module
Therapeutic Practitioner HS226 Module
Therapeutic Practitioner HS245 Module
Therapeutic Practitioner HS189 Module
Thinking Therapist HS896 Module
to Do No Harm HS515 Module
Typical Development Across the Lifespan HS135 Module
Ultrasound Guided Injections of the Shoulder (Australia)- Part 1, Assessment in Following Year HS967 Module
Understanding Typical Communication HS132 Module
Using Evidence in Health Care Practice HS758 Module
Using Evidence in Health Care Practice HS858 Module
Using Evidence in Health Care Practice HS759 Module
Using Reflective Practice HS957 Module
Using Research and Evidence in Social Work Practice HS633 Module
Using Technology to Enhance Learning in Practice HS954 Module
Values, Diversity and Context HS934 Module
Welfare, Wellbeing and Health HS222 Module
Welfare, Wellbeing and Health HS185 Module
Wellbeing-Focused Psychologically-Informed Interventions for Severe Mental Health Problems HS582 Module

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