Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) BS958 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) BS957 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) BS956 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) BS955 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (15 Credits, Level 7) BS954 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits, Level 7) BS951 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (30 Credits, Level 7) BS950 Module
Addressing Global Sustainability Challenges BS259 Module
Advanced Cancer Biology BS932 Module
Advanced Research Skills BS953 Module
Analysis of Genomic Data BS939 Module
Anatomy and Physiology BS161 Module
Animal Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour BS113 Module
Applied Marine Conservation BS307 Module
Applied Wildlife Sciences BS243 Module
Arctic Ecology Field Course BS233 Module
Biochemistry of Macromolecules BS131 Module
Biodiversity: From Genes to Ecosystems BS241 Module
Biogeography BS360 Module
Biological Science - Completion BS998 Module
Biological Science - Research BS999 Module
Biology of Disease BS309 Module
Biomedical Science: Practice and Employability BS214 Module
Biomembranes and Bioenergetics BS332 Module
Cell Biology BS225 Module
Cell Biology and Cellular Pathology BS238 Module
Climate Change and Pollution BS345 Module
Clinical Biochemistry BS237 Module
Computational Data Analysis: R for Life Sciences BS231 Module
Coral Reef Biodiversity and Management Field Trip BS710 Module
Coral Reef Biology BS255 Module
Coral Reef Research Skills (Virtual Field Course) BS258 Module
Coral Reef Research Skills (Virtual Field Course) BS720 Module
Data Analysis and Visualisation BS709 Module
Data Analysis or Voluntary Placement Programme (Work Based Learning) BS711 Module
Employability Skills for the Biosciences BS211 Module
Estuarine and Coastal Ecology Field Module BS303 Module
Estuarine and Coastal Ecology Field Module (Assessed in Following Year) BS417 Module
Fisheries Ecology BS354 Module
Freshwater Ecology BS352 Module
Gene Technology and Synthetic Biology BS934 Module
General and Organic Chemistry BS132 Module
Genetics and Evolution BS102 Module
Genome Bioinformatics BS312 Module
Genome Science BS222 Module
Genomics BS982 Module
Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science BS236 Module
Human Molecular Genetics BS320 Module
Immunity in Health and Disease BS223 Module
Independent Research (Msci) BS997 Module
Industrial Biotechnology BS937 Module
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry BS133 Module
Introduction to Global Sustainability Challenges BS106 Module
Issues in Biomedical Science BS306 Module
Marine Biodiversity BS251 Module
Marine Biology Field Skills BS114 Module
Marine Ecology BS112 Module
Marine Resources BS705 Module
Marine Science Work Placement BS719 Module
Marine Vertebrates BS254 Module
Mechanisms of Neurological Disease BS350 Module
Medical Genetics BS220 Module
Medical Microbiology BS235 Module
Metals in Biotechnology BS228 Module
Methods in Marine Biology BS707 Module
Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Development BS340 Module
Microbial Diversity and Biotechnology BS253 Module
Microbiology BS104 Module
Molecular and Developmental Immunology BS326 Module
Molecular Basis of Cancer BS349 Module
Molecular Biology: Genes, Proteins and Disease BS221 Module
Molecular Cell Biology BS101 Module
Molecular Ecology BS240 Module
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease BS938 Module
Narcotics BS329 Module
Nhs Placement Report BS833 Module
Placement Report BS834 Module
Plant Biology and Ecosystems BS111 Module
Plant Biotechnology BS323 Module
Plant Molecular Physiology and Genetics BS234 Module
Postgraduate Professional Skills BS708 Module
Principles of Molecular Virology BS310 Module
Professional Skills and the Business of Biosciences BS985 Module
Professional Skills for Ecological and Marine Scientists BS257 Module
Protein Bioinformatics BS281 Module
Protein Technologies and Proteomics BS983 Module
Proteins and Macromolecular Assemblies BS230 Module
Quantitative Methods for Life Sciences BS141 Module
Research Project (Msci Biomedical Science) BS980 Module
Research Project - Health Genomics BS996 Module
Research Project in Biomedical Science BS831 Module
Research Project in Global Sustainability BS838 Module
Research Project in Life Sciences BS832 Module
Research Project: MSc Biotechnology BS984 Module
Research Project: MSc Cancer Biology BS987 Module
Research Project: MSc Molecular Medicine BS986 Module
Research Project: MSc Tropical Marine Biology BS782 Module
Stem Cell Biology and Ageing BS331 Module
Structural and Molecular Enzymology BS314 Module
Transferable Skills in Life Sciences BS143 Module
Translational Ecology BS361 Module
Tropical Marine Field Research Skills BS256 Module
Tropical Marine Systems BS706 Module

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