Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Accountability |
BE138 |
Module |
Accounting and Capital Markets |
BE166 |
Module |
Accounting and Finance |
BE882 |
Module |
Accounting and Finance for Managers |
BE167 |
Module |
Accounting and Professionalism |
BE153 |
Module |
Accounting Information Systems |
BE115 |
Module |
Accounting Information Systems (E-Accounting) |
BE119 |
Module |
Accounting Project |
BE936 |
Module |
Accredited Prior Learning |
BE662 |
Module |
Accredited Prior Learning (10 Credits, Level 7) |
BE660 |
Module |
Accredited Prior Learning (10 Credits, Level 7) |
BE661 |
Module |
Advanced Financial Reporting |
BE170 |
Module |
Advanced Management Accounting |
BE131 |
Module |
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods: Empirical Explorations of the Contemporary Workplace |
BE959 |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods in Finance: Foundations in Finance |
BE954 |
Module |
Advanced Study Skills |
BE963 |
Module |
Advertising |
BE563 |
Module |
Alternative Investments |
BE633 |
Module |
Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making |
BE225 |
Module |
Applied Project |
BE986 |
Module |
Applied Statistics and Forecasting |
BE279 |
Module |
Applying E-Commerce in Business |
BE114 |
Module |
Asset Pricing |
BE352 |
Module |
Audit Principles and Practice |
BE120 |
Module |
Audit Theory |
BE152 |
Module |
Auditing |
BE132 |
Module |
Bank Strategy and Risk |
BE651 |
Module |
Banking Theory and Practice |
BE650 |
Module |
Behavioural Finance |
BE357 |
Module |
Behavioural Finance |
BE335 |
Module |
Big Data in Finance |
BE367 |
Module |
Big Data in Finance |
BE344 |
Module |
Brand Management |
BE440 |
Module |
Building Sustainable Business Resilience |
BE871 |
Module |
Business Analytics for Managers and Entrepreneurs |
BE277 |
Module |
Business and International Development |
BE422 |
Module |
Business and Social Justice in Latin America |
BE444 |
Module |
Business Economics |
BE201 |
Module |
Business Ethics |
BE442 |
Module |
Business Ethics |
BE439 |
Module |
Business Ethics and Accountability |
BE157 |
Module |
Business Law I |
BE112 |
Module |
Business Model Innovation |
BE247 |
Module |
Business Planning |
BE884 |
Module |
Business Report |
BE967 |
Module |
Business Research |
BE851 |
Module |
Business Research and Professional Development Skills |
BE966 |
Module |
Business Research Methods |
BE218 |
Module |
Business Research Methods |
BE231 |
Module |
Business Research Methods and Skills |
BE930 |
Module |
Business Research Methods and Skills (Part-Time) |
BE861 |
Module |
Business Strategy |
BE471 |
Module |
Business Strategy |
BE431 |
Module |
Business Strategy |
BE441 |
Module |
Business-To-Business Marketing |
BE514 |
Module |
Career Skills in Business |
BE920 |
Module |
Cases in Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance |
BE858 |
Module |
Change, Creativity and Innovation |
BE492 |
Module |
Combined Module Be951 and Be953 for First Six Weeks of Term |
BE949 |
Module |
Communicating Accounting |
BE159 |
Module |
Communication and Intercultural Skills |
BE241 |
Module |
Comprehensive Business Plan |
BE996 |
Module |
Comprehensive Business Plan |
BE956 |
Module |
Consultancy Week |
BE886 |
Module |
Consulting to Organisations: Depth Psychology Approaches |
BE872 |
Module |
Consumer Behaviour |
BE516 |
Module |
Consumer Behaviour |
BE515 |
Module |
Consumer Behaviour |
BE555 |
Module |
Contemporary Human Resource Management |
BE416 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Hrm |
BE470 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in International Accounting and Reporting |
BE134 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Marketing |
BE517 |
Module |
Cooperative Management and Marketing – Capstone Module |
BE940 |
Module |
Corporate and Investment Banking |
BE654 |
Module |
Corporate and Investment Banking Services |
BE634 |
Module |
Corporate Branding & Marketing |
BE558 |
Module |
Corporate Communications |
BE490 |
Module |
Corporate Finance |
BE311 |
Module |
Corporate Finance |
BE350 |
Module |
Corporate Finance, Governance and Control |
BE330 |
Module |
Corporate Governance |
BE139 |
Module |
Corporate Governance and Sustainability |
BE156 |
Module |
Corporate Marketing |
BE533 |
Module |
Corporate Reporting and Analysis |
BE161 |
Module |
Creating and Growing a New Business Venture |
BE244 |
Module |
Creating and Growing a New Venture |
BE942 |
Module |
Creating and Managing a New and Entrepreneurial Venture |
BE243 |
Module |
Creating and Managing the Digital Entrepreneurial Organisation |
BE253 |
Module |
Creative Industries and Creative Economy |
BE232 |
Module |
Creativity and Organisation |
BE465 |
Module |
Creativity and the Management of Change |
BE868 |
Module |
Critical Conversations in Hrm |
BE483 |
Module |
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management |
BE736 |
Module |
Critical Marketing |
BE550 |
Module |
Critical Marketing Perspectives |
BE530 |
Module |
Critical Perspectives on Management Knowledge |
BE451 |
Module |
Current Issues in Financial Reporting |
BE130 |
Module |
Data Analysis: Cross Sectional, Panel and Qualitative Data Methods |
BE369 |
Module |
Data and Analytics |
BE883 |
Module |
Data Mining and Visualisation |
BE228 |
Module |
Data-Driven Decision Making |
BE281 |
Module |
Debates in Public, Social and Environmental Accounting |
BE133 |
Module |
Democracy in Action |
CS316 |
Module |
Democracy in Action |
BE947 |
Module |
Developing a Business Plan |
BE869 |
Module |
Developing Business Plans |
BE867 |
Module |
Development Finance and Microcredit |
BE339 |
Module |
Digital and Data-Driven Marketing |
BE888 |
Module |
Digital Human Resource Management |
BE781 |
Module |
Digital Human Resource Management and People Analytics |
BE734 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
BE559 |
Module |
Digital Marketing and Social Media |
BE534 |
Module |
Digital Marketing and Social Media |
BE518 |
Module |
Director's Workshops |
BE860 |
Module |
Dissertation |
BE948 |
Module |
Dissertation |
BE982 |
Module |
Dissertation |
BE984 |
Module |
Dissertation |
BE987 |
Module |
Dissertation in Accounting |
BE980 |
Module |
Dissertation in Finance |
BE989 |
Module |
Dissertation in Management |
BE988 |
Module |
Dissertation in Marketing |
BE981 |
Module |
E-Business |
BE230 |
Module |
E-Commerce |
BE219 |
Module |
E-Commerce |
BE164 |
Module |
EBS Integrated Programmes: Dissertation |
BE983 |
Module |
Elements of Corporate and Business Law |
BE116 |
Module |
Empirical Case Studies in Finance and Economics |
BE340 |
Module |
Empirical Finance |
BE333 |
Module |
Employment Law |
BE136 |
Module |
Employment Relations in Context |
BE478 |
Module |
Enterprise and Economic Development |
BE237 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship |
BE853 |
Module |
Environment, Sustainability and Management |
BE457 |
Module |
Equality and Difference At Work |
BE735 |
Module |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion |
BE480 |
Module |
Essex Business School - Completion |
BE998 |
Module |
Essex Business School - Research |
BE999 |
Module |
Ethical Marketing |
BE864 |
Module |
Exchange Rates and International Finance |
BE355 |
Module |
Experiencing the Organization |
BE415 |
Module |
Facing Up to Management Fads |
BE445 |
Module |
Finance Research Project |
BE937 |
Module |
Finance Research Techniques Using Matlab |
BE368 |
Module |
Financial Analysis and Decision Making |
BE283 |
Module |
Financial Crises |
BE652 |
Module |
Financial Crises and Consequences for Society: Issues, Themes and Implications |
BE432 |
Module |
Financial Decision Making |
BE162 |
Module |
Financial Derivatives |
BE351 |
Module |
Financial Intermediaries, Instruments and Markets |
BE317 |
Module |
Financial Management |
BE329 |
Module |
Financial Management |
BE870 |
Module |
Financial Management and Business Accounting |
BE117 |
Module |
Financial Markets and Monetary Policy |
BE334 |
Module |
Financial Modelling |
BE314 |
Module |
Financial Modelling |
BE356 |
Module |
Financial Reporting and Analysis |
BE110 |
Module |
Financial Technology and Innovation (Fintech) |
BE318 |
Module |
Financial Technology and Innovation (Fintech) |
BE370 |
Module |
Financial Time Series: Methods and Applications |
BE372 |
Module |
Fixed Income Securities |
BE362 |
Module |
Foundations of Human Resource Management |
BE708 |
Module |
Foundations of Management and Marketing |
BE476 |
Module |
Foundations of Management and Marketing |
BE472 |
Module |
Global Investments |
BE363 |
Module |
Global Investments Research Project |
BE365 |
Module |
Global Logistics Management |
BE428 |
Module |
Global Project Management |
BE750 |
Module |
Global Supply Chain and Operations Management |
BE275 |
Module |
Growth and Development of Entrepreneurial Ventures |
BE213 |
Module |
Human Resource Management |
BE433 |
Module |
Human Resource Management |
BE475 |
Module |
In-Site Workshop Series |
BE961 |
Module |
Independent Project: Management/Marketing |
BE939 |
Module |
Independent Study Project: Management/Marketing |
BE938 |
Module |
Industry Expert Lectures in Finance |
BE862 |
Module |
Industry Expert Lectures in Finance |
BE653 |
Module |
Innovation & Entrepreneurship for New Business Models: Innovation Project |
BE893 |
Module |
Innovation and Change Management in Health and Social Care |
BE784 |
Module |
Innovation and Sustainability |
BE448 |
Module |
Innovation Management |
BE211 |
Module |
Innovation Management |
BE273 |
Module |
Insolvency Law |
BE137 |
Module |
Intelligent Enterprise Systems |
BE226 |
Module |
International Banking |
BE632 |
Module |
International Business and Strategy |
BE268 |
Module |
International Business Environment |
BE267 |
Module |
International Business Environment |
BE413 |
Module |
International Business Environment |
BE855 |
Module |
International Business Environment |
BE217 |
Module |
International Business Management |
BE216 |
Module |
International Business Negotiations |
BE474 |
Module |
International Business Plan |
BE995 |
Module |
International Business Plan |
BE958 |
Module |
International Environment of Business |
BE468 |
Module |
International Finance |
BE337 |
Module |
International Finance |
BE630 |
Module |
International Financial Reporting |
BE155 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management |
BE479 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management |
BE446 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management |
BE462 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management |
BE443 |
Module |
International Management |
BE489 |
Module |
International Management Accounting |
BE154 |
Module |
International Marketing |
BE561 |
Module |
International Marketing Plan |
BE997 |
Module |
International Marketing Plan |
BE957 |
Module |
International Marketing Strategy and Planning |
BE552 |
Module |
Internationalisation of the Services Sector |
BE222 |
Module |
Internship and Knowledge Exchange |
BE879 |
Module |
Interpretation of Financial Statements |
BE316 |
Module |
Introduction to Accounting |
BE100 |
Module |
Introduction to Accounting and Finance |
BE101 |
Module |
Introduction to Accounting I |
BE102 |
Module |
Introduction to Accounting II |
BE103 |
Module |
Introduction to Banking |
BE610 |
Module |
Introduction to Business Analytics |
BE223 |
Module |
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour |
BE519 |
Module |
Introduction to Finance |
BE304 |
Module |
Introduction to Finance |
BE300 |
Module |
Introduction to Finance |
BE302 |
Module |
Introduction to International Business |
BE202 |
Module |
Introduction to Management |
BE401 |
Module |
Introduction to Management and Marketing |
BE400 |
Module |
Introduction to Marketing |
BE501 |
Module |
Introduction to Quantitative Methods |
BE315 |
Module |
Islamic Accounting: Theory and Practice |
BE165 |
Module |
Issues in Financial Analysis: a Case Study Approach |
BE135 |
Module |
Issues in Financial Reporting |
BE150 |
Module |
Law for Business |
BE212 |
Module |
Leadership and Managing Cross-Cultural Issues |
BE238 |
Module |
Leadership in Organisations |
BE420 |
Module |
Leading Change |
BE493 |
Module |
Leading with Impact |
BE875 |
Module |
Learning and Development in Context |
BE487 |
Module |
Logistics and Supply Chain Planning and Control |
BE282 |
Module |
Luxury Product and Brand Management |
BE560 |
Module |
Management Accounting |
BE151 |
Module |
Management Accounting I |
BE111 |
Module |
Management Accounting II |
BE113 |
Module |
Management and Organisational Behaviour |
BE450 |
Module |
Management and Strategy |
BE485 |
Module |
Management and the Cultural Industries |
BE418 |
Module |
Management of Innovation and Organizational Change |
BE885 |
Module |
Management of Marketing Channels |
BE532 |
Module |
Management Psychology |
BE434 |
Module |
Management Psychology |
BE455 |
Module |
Management Research Report |
BE962 |
Module |
Management, Society and New Forms of Work |
BE435 |
Module |
Management: Principles and Practices |
BE464 |
Module |
Managerial Accounting |
BE854 |
Module |
Managerial Economics |
BE274 |
Module |
Managing Across Cultures |
BE469 |
Module |
Managing and Growing Sustainable Businesses |
BE887 |
Module |
Managing for Ethics and Sustainability |
BE423 |
Module |
Managing for Social Purpose |
BE449 |
Module |
Managing Innovation and Technology |
BE447 |
Module |
Managing Organisational Change |
BE482 |
Module |
Managing Organisational Change and Innovation |
BE239 |
Module |
Managing Organisational Spaces and Boundaries |
BE436 |
Module |
Managing the Innovative Business |
BE866 |
Module |
Marketing Analytics |
BE564 |
Module |
Marketing and Innovation |
BE562 |
Module |
Marketing Communications |
BE531 |
Module |
Marketing Management |
BE511 |
Module |
Marketing of High Technology Products and Services |
BE236 |
Module |
Marketing Practice-Based Project |
BE971 |
Module |
Marketing Strategy |
BE554 |
Module |
Marketing: Principles and Practices |
BE556 |
Module |
Markets, Governance and Ethics |
BE877 |
Module |
Mba Project |
BE850 |
Module |
Multinational Finance |
BE338 |
Module |
Networked Economy |
BE235 |
Module |
Neuromarketing |
BE535 |
Module |
New Venture Creation |
BE200 |
Module |
New Venture Financial Management |
BE336 |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
BE488 |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
BE411 |
Module |
Options and Futures |
BE332 |
Module |
Organisation and Leadership in a Globalised World |
BE460 |
Module |
Organisation, Learning and Collaboration in a Globalised World |
BE427 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BE410 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management |
BE486 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour and Management |
BE417 |
Module |
Organisational Identities |
BE494 |
Module |
People and Sustainable Organisations |
BE865 |
Module |
Performance Management |
BE859 |
Module |
Personal Career Development |
BE904 |
Module |
Personal Career Development |
BE903 |
Module |
Personality and Work: a Myers-Briggs Perspective |
BE421 |
Module |
Personality and Work: a Myers-Briggs Perspective |
BE484 |
Module |
Perspectives on Corporate Governance |
BE158 |
Module |
Perspectives on Marketing |
BE557 |
Module |
Perspectives on Technology, Organisation and Society |
BE437 |
Module |
Philosophies of Research and Advanced Qualitative Research Methods |
BE968 |
Module |
Philosophy of Management and Accounting |
BE952 |
Module |
Portfolio Analysis |
BE313 |
Module |
Portfolio Management |
BE354 |
Module |
Portfolio Management |
BE856 |
Module |
Postgraduate Mathematics Preparation |
BE399 |
Module |
Practice/Problem-Oriented Business Report |
BE972 |
Module |
Pricing of Securities in Financial Markets |
BE331 |
Module |
Principles of Finance |
BE371 |
Module |
Principles of International Marketing |
BE553 |
Module |
Principles of Marketing |
BE500 |
Module |
Principles of Operations and Supply Chain Management |
BE424 |
Module |
Private Equity and Venture Capital |
BE373 |
Module |
Professional and Academic Development |
BE905 |
Module |
Professional and Academic Development (Accounting) |
BE907 |
Module |
Professional and Academic Development (Finance) |
BE908 |
Module |
Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) |
BE909 |
Module |
Professional and Academic Development 2 |
BE906 |
Module |
Professional Placement |
BE751 |
Module |
Professionalism and the Accountancy Profession |
BE140 |
Module |
Public Sector Management |
BE873 |
Module |
Python for Quantitative Analysis |
BE343 |
Module |
Quantitative Analysis for Business |
BE301 |
Module |
Quantitative Foundations of Finance |
BE312 |
Module |
Quantitative Methods and Finance |
BE303 |
Module |
Research and Study Skills for Professional Development |
BE902 |
Module |
Research and Study Skills for Professional Development |
BE901 |
Module |
Research Evaluation |
BE950 |
Module |
Research Methods |
BE955 |
Module |
Research Methods in Accounting |
BE951 |
Module |
Research Methods in Finance |
BE953 |
Module |
Research Methods in Financial Econometrics |
BE990 |
Module |
Research Methods in Management |
BE969 |
Module |
Research Methods in Management and Marketing |
BE425 |
Module |
Research Methods in Marketing |
BE965 |
Module |
Research Portfolio |
BE985 |
Module |
Research Project - International Business and Entrepreneurship |
BE934 |
Module |
Research Project - International Business and Finance |
BE941 |
Module |
Research Project - Marketing |
BE933 |
Module |
Research Project : Business Administration |
BE932 |
Module |
Research Project with a Community-Based Organisation |
BE970 |
Module |
Research Project with a Community-Based Organisation |
BE944 |
Module |
Research Project – Business Administration and Supply Chain Management |
BE943 |
Module |
Research Project: Business and Analytics |
BE945 |
Module |
Researching Organisational Dynamics |
BE466 |
Module |
Responsible Artificial Intelligence |
BE227 |
Module |
Retail Management |
BE426 |
Module |
Reward Management |
BE477 |
Module |
Risk Management |
BE361 |
Module |
Risk Management and Financial Institutions |
BE631 |
Module |
Service Marketing |
BE513 |
Module |
Social Economy Management: Putting the Social Economy Into Practice |
BE496 |
Module |
Social Economy Management: Theories and Perspectives |
BE495 |
Module |
Social Entrepreneurship |
BE256 |
Module |
Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Impact |
BE876 |
Module |
Strategic Analysis of Financial Statements: a Case Study Approach |
BE160 |
Module |
Strategic Entrepreneurship |
BE220 |
Module |
Strategic Human Resource Management |
BE733 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BE284 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accounting |
BE141 |
Module |
Strategic Management and Senior Leadership in Health and Social Care |
BE783 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing |
BE880 |
Module |
Strategic Operations and Supply Chain |
BE224 |
Module |
Strategy |
BE857 |
Module |
Strategy and Accounting |
BE163 |
Module |
Student Success Tutorial |
BE917 |
Module |
Student Success Tutorial |
BE916 |
Module |
Successful Futures |
BE910 |
Module |
Successful Futures |
BE911 |
Module |
Supply Chain Management |
BE260 |
Module |
Supply Chain Management |
BE874 |
Module |
Sustainability Accounting, Accountability and Management |
BE168 |
Module |
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility |
BE467 |
Module |
Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Ethical Management in a Globalizing World |
BE852 |
Module |
Sustainability Reporting |
BE171 |
Module |
Sustainable and Green Finance |
BE374 |
Module |
Sustainable Business |
BE463 |
Module |
Sustainable Investing and Finance |
BE345 |
Module |
Sustainable Operations |
BE881 |
Module |
Taxation Policy and Practice |
BE142 |
Module |
Theories and Practice of Entrepreneurship |
BE250 |
Module |
Tourism Marketing |
BE246 |
Module |
Tourism Operations |
BE245 |
Module |
Trading Global Financial Markets |
BE364 |
Module |
Understanding Organisational Change |
BE491 |
Module |
Understanding Organisational Management |
BE707 |
Module |
Understanding Value and Values |
BE402 |
Module |
Understanding Work and Organisation |
BE473 |
Module |
Using Financial and Commodity Derivatives in Business |
BE863 |
Module |
Valuation and Mergers and Acquisitions |
BE342 |
Module |
Work-Based Placement |
BE731 |
Module |
Work-Based Project |
BE964 |
Module |
Work-Based Project |
BE946 |
Module |