Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accountability BE138 Module
Accounting and Capital Markets BE166 Module
Accounting and Finance BE882 Module
Accounting and Finance for Managers BE167 Module
Accounting and Professionalism BE153 Module
Accounting Information Systems BE115 Module
Accounting Information Systems (E-Accounting) BE119 Module
Accounting Project BE936 Module
Accredited Prior Learning BE662 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (10 Credits, Level 7) BE660 Module
Accredited Prior Learning (10 Credits, Level 7) BE661 Module
Advanced Financial Reporting BE170 Module
Advanced Management Accounting BE131 Module
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods: Empirical Explorations of the Contemporary Workplace BE959 Module
Advanced Research Methods in Finance: Foundations in Finance BE954 Module
Advanced Study Skills BE963 Module
Advertising BE563 Module
Alternative Investments BE633 Module
Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making BE225 Module
Applied Project BE986 Module
Applied Statistics and Forecasting BE279 Module
Applying E-Commerce in Business BE114 Module
Asset Pricing BE352 Module
Audit Principles and Practice BE120 Module
Audit Theory BE152 Module
Auditing BE132 Module
Bank Strategy and Risk BE651 Module
Banking Theory and Practice BE650 Module
Behavioural Finance BE357 Module
Behavioural Finance BE335 Module
Big Data in Finance BE367 Module
Big Data in Finance BE344 Module
Brand Management BE440 Module
Building Sustainable Business Resilience BE871 Module
Business Analytics for Managers and Entrepreneurs BE277 Module
Business and International Development BE422 Module
Business and Social Justice in Latin America BE444 Module
Business Economics BE201 Module
Business Ethics BE442 Module
Business Ethics BE439 Module
Business Ethics and Accountability BE157 Module
Business Law I BE112 Module
Business Model Innovation BE247 Module
Business Planning BE884 Module
Business Report BE967 Module
Business Research BE851 Module
Business Research and Professional Development Skills BE966 Module
Business Research Methods BE218 Module
Business Research Methods BE231 Module
Business Research Methods and Skills BE930 Module
Business Research Methods and Skills (Part-Time) BE861 Module
Business Strategy BE471 Module
Business Strategy BE431 Module
Business Strategy BE441 Module
Business-To-Business Marketing BE514 Module
Career Skills in Business BE920 Module
Cases in Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance BE858 Module
Change, Creativity and Innovation BE492 Module
Combined Module Be951 and Be953 for First Six Weeks of Term BE949 Module
Communicating Accounting BE159 Module
Communication and Intercultural Skills BE241 Module
Comprehensive Business Plan BE996 Module
Comprehensive Business Plan BE956 Module
Consultancy Week BE886 Module
Consulting to Organisations: Depth Psychology Approaches BE872 Module
Consumer Behaviour BE516 Module
Consumer Behaviour BE515 Module
Consumer Behaviour BE555 Module
Contemporary Human Resource Management BE416 Module
Contemporary Issues in Hrm BE470 Module
Contemporary Issues in International Accounting and Reporting BE134 Module
Contemporary Issues in Marketing BE517 Module
Cooperative Management and Marketing – Capstone Module BE940 Module
Corporate and Investment Banking BE654 Module
Corporate and Investment Banking Services BE634 Module
Corporate Branding & Marketing BE558 Module
Corporate Communications BE490 Module
Corporate Finance BE311 Module
Corporate Finance BE350 Module
Corporate Finance, Governance and Control BE330 Module
Corporate Governance BE139 Module
Corporate Governance and Sustainability BE156 Module
Corporate Marketing BE533 Module
Corporate Reporting and Analysis BE161 Module
Creating and Growing a New Business Venture BE244 Module
Creating and Growing a New Venture BE942 Module
Creating and Managing a New and Entrepreneurial Venture BE243 Module
Creating and Managing the Digital Entrepreneurial Organisation BE253 Module
Creative Industries and Creative Economy BE232 Module
Creativity and Organisation BE465 Module
Creativity and the Management of Change BE868 Module
Critical Conversations in Hrm BE483 Module
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management BE736 Module
Critical Marketing BE550 Module
Critical Marketing Perspectives BE530 Module
Critical Perspectives on Management Knowledge BE451 Module
Current Issues in Financial Reporting BE130 Module
Data Analysis: Cross Sectional, Panel and Qualitative Data Methods BE369 Module
Data and Analytics BE883 Module
Data Mining and Visualisation BE228 Module
Data-Driven Decision Making BE281 Module
Debates in Public, Social and Environmental Accounting BE133 Module
Democracy in Action CS316 Module
Democracy in Action BE947 Module
Developing a Business Plan BE869 Module
Developing Business Plans BE867 Module
Development Finance and Microcredit BE339 Module
Digital and Data-Driven Marketing BE888 Module
Digital Human Resource Management BE781 Module
Digital Human Resource Management and People Analytics BE734 Module
Digital Marketing BE559 Module
Digital Marketing and Social Media BE534 Module
Digital Marketing and Social Media BE518 Module
Director's Workshops BE860 Module
Dissertation BE948 Module
Dissertation BE982 Module
Dissertation BE984 Module
Dissertation BE987 Module
Dissertation in Accounting BE980 Module
Dissertation in Finance BE989 Module
Dissertation in Management BE988 Module
Dissertation in Marketing BE981 Module
E-Business BE230 Module
E-Commerce BE219 Module
E-Commerce BE164 Module
EBS Integrated Programmes: Dissertation BE983 Module
Elements of Corporate and Business Law BE116 Module
Empirical Case Studies in Finance and Economics BE340 Module
Empirical Finance BE333 Module
Employment Law BE136 Module
Employment Relations in Context BE478 Module
Enterprise and Economic Development BE237 Module
Entrepreneurship BE853 Module
Environment, Sustainability and Management BE457 Module
Equality and Difference At Work BE735 Module
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion BE480 Module
Essex Business School - Completion BE998 Module
Essex Business School - Research BE999 Module
Ethical Marketing BE864 Module
Exchange Rates and International Finance BE355 Module
Experiencing the Organization BE415 Module
Facing Up to Management Fads BE445 Module
Finance Research Project BE937 Module
Finance Research Techniques Using Matlab BE368 Module
Financial Analysis and Decision Making BE283 Module
Financial Crises BE652 Module
Financial Crises and Consequences for Society: Issues, Themes and Implications BE432 Module
Financial Decision Making BE162 Module
Financial Derivatives BE351 Module
Financial Intermediaries, Instruments and Markets BE317 Module
Financial Management BE329 Module
Financial Management BE870 Module
Financial Management and Business Accounting BE117 Module
Financial Markets and Monetary Policy BE334 Module
Financial Modelling BE314 Module
Financial Modelling BE356 Module
Financial Reporting and Analysis BE110 Module
Financial Technology and Innovation (Fintech) BE318 Module
Financial Technology and Innovation (Fintech) BE370 Module
Financial Time Series: Methods and Applications BE372 Module
Fixed Income Securities BE362 Module
Foundations of Human Resource Management BE708 Module
Foundations of Management and Marketing BE476 Module
Foundations of Management and Marketing BE472 Module
Global Investments BE363 Module
Global Investments Research Project BE365 Module
Global Logistics Management BE428 Module
Global Project Management BE750 Module
Global Supply Chain and Operations Management BE275 Module
Growth and Development of Entrepreneurial Ventures BE213 Module
Human Resource Management BE433 Module
Human Resource Management BE475 Module
In-Site Workshop Series BE961 Module
Independent Project: Management/Marketing BE939 Module
Independent Study Project: Management/Marketing BE938 Module
Industry Expert Lectures in Finance BE862 Module
Industry Expert Lectures in Finance BE653 Module
Innovation & Entrepreneurship for New Business Models: Innovation Project BE893 Module
Innovation and Change Management in Health and Social Care BE784 Module
Innovation and Sustainability BE448 Module
Innovation Management BE211 Module
Innovation Management BE273 Module
Insolvency Law BE137 Module
Intelligent Enterprise Systems BE226 Module
International Banking BE632 Module
International Business and Strategy BE268 Module
International Business Environment BE267 Module
International Business Environment BE413 Module
International Business Environment BE855 Module
International Business Environment BE217 Module
International Business Management BE216 Module
International Business Negotiations BE474 Module
International Business Plan BE995 Module
International Business Plan BE958 Module
International Environment of Business BE468 Module
International Finance BE337 Module
International Finance BE630 Module
International Financial Reporting BE155 Module
International Human Resource Management BE479 Module
International Human Resource Management BE446 Module
International Human Resource Management BE462 Module
International Human Resource Management BE443 Module
International Management BE489 Module
International Management Accounting BE154 Module
International Marketing BE561 Module
International Marketing Plan BE997 Module
International Marketing Plan BE957 Module
International Marketing Strategy and Planning BE552 Module
Internationalisation of the Services Sector BE222 Module
Internship and Knowledge Exchange BE879 Module
Interpretation of Financial Statements BE316 Module
Introduction to Accounting BE100 Module
Introduction to Accounting and Finance BE101 Module
Introduction to Accounting I BE102 Module
Introduction to Accounting II BE103 Module
Introduction to Banking BE610 Module
Introduction to Business Analytics BE223 Module
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour BE519 Module
Introduction to Finance BE304 Module
Introduction to Finance BE300 Module
Introduction to Finance BE302 Module
Introduction to International Business BE202 Module
Introduction to Management BE401 Module
Introduction to Management and Marketing BE400 Module
Introduction to Marketing BE501 Module
Introduction to Quantitative Methods BE315 Module
Islamic Accounting: Theory and Practice BE165 Module
Issues in Financial Analysis: a Case Study Approach BE135 Module
Issues in Financial Reporting BE150 Module
Law for Business BE212 Module
Leadership and Managing Cross-Cultural Issues BE238 Module
Leadership in Organisations BE420 Module
Leading Change BE493 Module
Leading with Impact BE875 Module
Learning and Development in Context BE487 Module
Logistics and Supply Chain Planning and Control BE282 Module
Luxury Product and Brand Management BE560 Module
Management Accounting BE151 Module
Management Accounting I BE111 Module
Management Accounting II BE113 Module
Management and Organisational Behaviour BE450 Module
Management and Strategy BE485 Module
Management and the Cultural Industries BE418 Module
Management of Innovation and Organizational Change BE885 Module
Management of Marketing Channels BE532 Module
Management Psychology BE434 Module
Management Psychology BE455 Module
Management Research Report BE962 Module
Management, Society and New Forms of Work BE435 Module
Management: Principles and Practices BE464 Module
Managerial Accounting BE854 Module
Managerial Economics BE274 Module
Managing Across Cultures BE469 Module
Managing and Growing Sustainable Businesses BE887 Module
Managing for Ethics and Sustainability BE423 Module
Managing for Social Purpose BE449 Module
Managing Innovation and Technology BE447 Module
Managing Organisational Change BE482 Module
Managing Organisational Change and Innovation BE239 Module
Managing Organisational Spaces and Boundaries BE436 Module
Managing the Innovative Business BE866 Module
Marketing Analytics BE564 Module
Marketing and Innovation BE562 Module
Marketing Communications BE531 Module
Marketing Management BE511 Module
Marketing of High Technology Products and Services BE236 Module
Marketing Practice-Based Project BE971 Module
Marketing Strategy BE554 Module
Marketing: Principles and Practices BE556 Module
Markets, Governance and Ethics BE877 Module
Mba Project BE850 Module
Multinational Finance BE338 Module
Networked Economy BE235 Module
Neuromarketing BE535 Module
New Venture Creation BE200 Module
New Venture Financial Management BE336 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management BE488 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management BE411 Module
Options and Futures BE332 Module
Organisation and Leadership in a Globalised World BE460 Module
Organisation, Learning and Collaboration in a Globalised World BE427 Module
Organisational Behaviour BE410 Module
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management BE486 Module
Organisational Behaviour and Management BE417 Module
Organisational Identities BE494 Module
People and Sustainable Organisations BE865 Module
Performance Management BE859 Module
Personal Career Development BE904 Module
Personal Career Development BE903 Module
Personality and Work: a Myers-Briggs Perspective BE421 Module
Personality and Work: a Myers-Briggs Perspective BE484 Module
Perspectives on Corporate Governance BE158 Module
Perspectives on Marketing BE557 Module
Perspectives on Technology, Organisation and Society BE437 Module
Philosophies of Research and Advanced Qualitative Research Methods BE968 Module
Philosophy of Management and Accounting BE952 Module
Portfolio Analysis BE313 Module
Portfolio Management BE354 Module
Portfolio Management BE856 Module
Postgraduate Mathematics Preparation BE399 Module
Practice/Problem-Oriented Business Report BE972 Module
Pricing of Securities in Financial Markets BE331 Module
Principles of Finance BE371 Module
Principles of International Marketing BE553 Module
Principles of Marketing BE500 Module
Principles of Operations and Supply Chain Management BE424 Module
Private Equity and Venture Capital BE373 Module
Professional and Academic Development BE905 Module
Professional and Academic Development (Accounting) BE907 Module
Professional and Academic Development (Finance) BE908 Module
Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) BE909 Module
Professional and Academic Development 2 BE906 Module
Professional Placement BE751 Module
Professionalism and the Accountancy Profession BE140 Module
Public Sector Management BE873 Module
Python for Quantitative Analysis BE343 Module
Quantitative Analysis for Business BE301 Module
Quantitative Foundations of Finance BE312 Module
Quantitative Methods and Finance BE303 Module
Research and Study Skills for Professional Development BE902 Module
Research and Study Skills for Professional Development BE901 Module
Research Evaluation BE950 Module
Research Methods BE955 Module
Research Methods in Accounting BE951 Module
Research Methods in Finance BE953 Module
Research Methods in Financial Econometrics BE990 Module
Research Methods in Management BE969 Module
Research Methods in Management and Marketing BE425 Module
Research Methods in Marketing BE965 Module
Research Portfolio BE985 Module
Research Project - International Business and Entrepreneurship BE934 Module
Research Project - International Business and Finance BE941 Module
Research Project - Marketing BE933 Module
Research Project : Business Administration BE932 Module
Research Project with a Community-Based Organisation BE970 Module
Research Project with a Community-Based Organisation BE944 Module
Research Project – Business Administration and Supply Chain Management BE943 Module
Research Project: Business and Analytics BE945 Module
Researching Organisational Dynamics BE466 Module
Responsible Artificial Intelligence BE227 Module
Retail Management BE426 Module
Reward Management BE477 Module
Risk Management BE361 Module
Risk Management and Financial Institutions BE631 Module
Service Marketing BE513 Module
Social Economy Management: Putting the Social Economy Into Practice BE496 Module
Social Economy Management: Theories and Perspectives BE495 Module
Social Entrepreneurship BE256 Module
Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Impact BE876 Module
Strategic Analysis of Financial Statements: a Case Study Approach BE160 Module
Strategic Entrepreneurship BE220 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management BE733 Module
Strategic Management BE284 Module
Strategic Management Accounting BE141 Module
Strategic Management and Senior Leadership in Health and Social Care BE783 Module
Strategic Marketing BE880 Module
Strategic Operations and Supply Chain BE224 Module
Strategy BE857 Module
Strategy and Accounting BE163 Module
Student Success Tutorial BE917 Module
Student Success Tutorial BE916 Module
Successful Futures BE910 Module
Successful Futures BE911 Module
Supply Chain Management BE260 Module
Supply Chain Management BE874 Module
Sustainability Accounting, Accountability and Management BE168 Module
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility BE467 Module
Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Ethical Management in a Globalizing World BE852 Module
Sustainability Reporting BE171 Module
Sustainable and Green Finance BE374 Module
Sustainable Business BE463 Module
Sustainable Investing and Finance BE345 Module
Sustainable Operations BE881 Module
Taxation Policy and Practice BE142 Module
Theories and Practice of Entrepreneurship BE250 Module
Tourism Marketing BE246 Module
Tourism Operations BE245 Module
Trading Global Financial Markets BE364 Module
Understanding Organisational Change BE491 Module
Understanding Organisational Management BE707 Module
Understanding Value and Values BE402 Module
Understanding Work and Organisation BE473 Module
Using Financial and Commodity Derivatives in Business BE863 Module
Valuation and Mergers and Acquisitions BE342 Module
Work-Based Placement BE731 Module
Work-Based Project BE964 Module
Work-Based Project BE946 Module

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